Welcome to my Corner of the world!
I am a HUGE fan of Life, and other Sparkly things!
I have NO clue what I am doing with my blog, but things are defiantly changing, and it feels

#KeepinTheSparkleAlive #FindYourHAPPEE #FindYourSparkle #TeamInnerSparkler #OregonLynn

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Making of a Twilight Room

As some of you may know we are in the process of turning our office into a Twilight Room!  Check out my other post, Revamping-our-office-into-twiroom to see what we did before now.  Not that much has really changed per say, because we know it will be a slow process.  Nope, wont happen over night, but we are ok with that. =0) 

Our main reason for turning our office into a Twilight Room is because Our Twilight Corner is not big enough to hold all our Twilight Treasures any more.  Although, I am not sure if our office will be big enough either, but it has been fun decorating and making it our own. 
Our Twilight book cover posters so far are the coolest items to enter the room.  They look great on the wall, and the red frames we decided to go with really help to make the posters pop.   Can't wait to purchase the Twilight and Breaking Dawn book cover posters soon now too so we can get them up as well. 
My little Corner helper Savanna, is very creative, so she is making sure I get everything straight and symmetrical.  I am bad about just putting a nail in the wall and calling it good, but she wont let me do this.. lol 
Its lookin good and coming together pretty fast considering I have not told my hubby I was gonna do this. Ha ha  
However, I got busted the other night, so he kind of knows now.  Although, all he said when he came into the office was,"Uh,Huh."  So I guess I am in the clear. lol 
I know the photos are not very clear, but we had to turn on the twinkle lights in order to show you how we were hanging the posters. The room light was to harsh and casting a horrible glare making it impossible to show you how things were coming together.  I think its looking pretty good if you ask me.  
I love twinkle lights as you can see, and I am planning on attempting to recreate the prom scene from Twilight in our room by hanging a few twinkle lights from the ceiling as well.  Wish me luck that it will work out...  =0)
Now right here where I am pointing to above my treadmill is where I am going to place a very HOT photo of Edward to help inspire and motivate me while I am working out. Yay!  Can't wait!  
I know pink twinkle lights are not very Twilightish, but I had to hang them up because I've had them for a very long time, and needed a place to enjoy them.  I couldn't think of a more perfect spot then Our soon to be Twilight room!

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